7/26/2023 0 Comments You are not pre-programmed![]() You are not preprogrammed before arriving here in this lifetime… We are born free. Free to choose thoughts. Free to think what we want to think. What we give attention to shows up in our reality. We are free beings to explore this Earth and all that it has to offer. We are so free we can choose bondage, and give attention to those things that we have no control over; the ills of other people, the wrong doings in the world, or to simply try to control circumstances and events by giving attention and emotional energy to them. It never works. Things don’t change by focusing negatively upon them or forcing them to change, but for some reason humanity had been joining together in groups in an attempt to tackle the situations and unknowingly working against the force that governs everything. What we give attention to shows up. Working with the law of attraction is allowing our natural well being to flow and trust that which we cannot see happening behind the scenes is taking care of the matters. It’s been a push and pull and a misunderstanding that as physical beings we are alone in this world and it is our job to fix it. If we attempt to fix it and push against, the law of attraction will give us more of that. That’s how it works. This force that governs everything was the missing piece Einstein was searching to put words to in his calculations. It’s a lot like gravity. We were taught about the laws of gravity in school, but not the law of attraction. It’s also known as ‘walking in beauty’ by some humans who never left their knowing of how the Earth, or Gaia moves. When we abide by this force we receive our desired results. I studied Buddhism and applied the teachings in my own life for many years. There is a premise that goes like this: we are all one and there is no self. That the human is simply a role of everything else. To give up all desires for the goal of reaching a non-dual state of enlightenment. However, through my direct experiences and revelations I have come to the realization that although we are all one, meaning we are all sourced beings, but we are also in a body to explore this world in all its glory. We are extensions of a larger non-physical source in which all matter manifested from. Some call it God, higher self, Buddha consciousness, the Universe, etc. But some of these names have been misconstrued over time due to spiritual or religious control. A simple misunderstanding of our true nature. We are all born with freewill to make our own decisions and choose our course of action. No one or thing is doing anything to us or making us take actions we don’t want to do. We create are own reality. For eons of time man has been taking it upon themselves and misunderstanding that each individual has their own connection to the non-physical, or higher self. That larger part of themselves who never came into this physical world and works alongside the human each breath they take. Knowing their every thought, emotion, and desire. Never judging them, but providing guidance every step of the way. This is why it is important to quiet the mind so that we can hear and feel this guidance. If we are too noisy in our minds we are unable to feel it. You cannot think feel. It is impossible. There is a saying, ‘talk less, feel more’, and this is exactly it. We are vibrational beings by nature. When we get in touch with that quiet still voice within we are able to be clear in mind and heart to make decisions that are in alignment with all of who we are. The physical and the nonphysical working together. The human trusting and having faith that the nonphysical are working out all the components for the physical manifestations to occur. The main ingredient is, love. Love is the all encompassing application to the alchemical process of manifestation. Choosing a thought that feels better and applying love is what true alchemy is all about. The soul is too big to get into the body, and so we were created as human to live a physical existence and work in partnership with the larger part of ourselves. Together as one. Not to be ruled over, but to cocreate together. This is where we are going. The expansion is well upon us now, and becoming grander. Divine will is also known as ‘Gods plan’. I’ve heard the expression said countless times, ‘sometimes God has different plans for us’, and this is exactly what is being conveyed within this article. When man lives within the boundary of only the premise of freewill or the false assumption of entirely working alone without the understanding that the larger part of themselves is working with them, they are not abiding to the force. ‘My will, to Thy will’ is another expression to explain this. Divine will is the souls larger perspective or the bigger picture. ‘Thy will be done in heaven as it is on Earth’ or ‘As above, so below’ is that knowing that God or the universe has your back, and all is truly well in all of creation. It’s not a denying that there are terrible things happening in the world, but it’s not your responsibility to give attention to them in an attempt to fix them, or make them better. That only muddles up your own vibration, and what you vibrate at you attract and make bigger. There are wars against so much these days and it seems an endless battle. That’s because of what we are saying here, what is given attention to grows bigger due to the force that gets a hold of it and gives you what you give attention to. So many problems in the world and it’s not your job to do anything about them, but to listen to ‘Gods plan’ and hear the solutions in which are always available when bringing up the problems. It happens at the same time, but if we are focused on the problem that’s all we hear. Are you a solutionist? Or a fixer of problems? The same age old question holds true here, ‘to be or not to be?’ What shows up in reality is what you as a human gives attention to. There is no separation to those who have gone before. They are still very much alive and doing well in what we call, the afterlife. This is what sparked me to write this article. When my dog and beloved colleague, Bernie left his physical body, I really dove deep into all of this. Because I was so sad and upset that he wasn’t here to experience day to day life with me in his physical body, what was the point? I had to adjust my own perception of physical and non-physical interactions. It is a paradigm shift in which many humans still struggle with. We are very much engaged here in the physical realm that what is is. And what isn’t here is not anymore. Like, it’s as if we disappear and don’t matter anymore. ‘What’s mind? No matter, what’s matter? Nevermind’. I’m in awe and incredible appreciation for the knowing of this grand love of creation; Feeling my own eternal essence working alongside me, writing these words with me, loving me regardless of where I am with my own humanness, not judging me or looking down at me. Joseph Campbell spoke about a new myth in which humanity will begin to express and live by an updated version of all the known religions and spiritualities. No longer looking back to ancient times where people had a whole different way of living within their own grand confines and resistant state of being. When I tune into all of who I am in this present moment I have my own knowing and guidance of walking a beautiful path of least resistance. My own direct line to God. My own truth, and that truth sets me free. No need for anything outside of myself. However, the confirmations from others is a beautiful way to see ourselves as cocreators in this magnificent dance we call life. Enjoy yourself, others too, and embrace all of your senses. Eat well, drink plenty of water, laugh a lot, dance when you feel the rhythm. Feel joy and sadness, elation and depression. Don’t stay too long when you’re down and you will become acquainted with what it really means to be human. You are free to choose and worthy of so much more. This is the expansion that is upon us now. Endless potentials and possibilities when you allow yourself to receive instead of holding yourself in bondage. Love to love to love, and free to choose.
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