12/17/2021 0 Comments Message Update NewsMessage Update NewsIf everything we ever wanted was already manifested, we would be dead. Witnessing the unraveling of our own creations and allowing things to happen in their own time is a masterful movement. It is truly amazing how abundant we are. Each one of us has the ability to choose a different point of focus at any given moment. Where our thoughts go, how we feel, what feels good to us. This is why we stay present for what happens. We can choose what we let in. It takes a little practice, but once mastered, thats it! Zooooooooooooom...
The alignment happens. No one goes after anything, whatever that is. Point of focus is point of attraction. I've never met a grateful person who is unhappy, I've never met anyone who can stay with what arises without having to change or become better; who may consider themselves a victim to circumstance. This goes across the board for most healing of the individual. The mind, how sticky thoughts can become and how they charge emotions. The body follows this energy and freezes. However that shows up as disease. Each one of us has the ability to be alchemists with our own being, and it starts with how we are feeling at any given moment. im not the kind to give personal updates and details of my life, unless it applies for what I may be talking about at the moment. This is why i come in and out of this blog from time to time. This message is important because of the changes that occurred this year, and what a perfect time to bring it home! First of all, thank you for reading this update. I sure do appreciate the support, and love what I practice each moment. I love myself and when you read these words. This love resonates in this space. This is what it is to be masterful. Staying with what arises reaps beautiful results. Love and compassion are not emotions, they are our natural state of being. When i'm calm that feels good to me, when i'm not i simply notice that i'm not. The moment ends eventually. So, we stay and movement may happen. I love this navigation. It feels better and not so heavy, having to try and figure things out is grinding and tedious. This softness is the physical manifestation we all have been waiting for. Who doesnt want to live in peace? Ive never met anyone. If a person is displaying otherwise doesnt mean they dont seek peace. If anything, they seek it more! So, we begin to see ourselves, and others much differently. The filter in which we perceive the world falls away. I experienced grand manifestations this year on both ends of the stick and the whole stick and outside the stick! ...divorce finalized end of January after 27 years of marriage, move to new location after 16 years of same environment, doing it all by myself for the very first time, walking my talk 100% without flinching, feeling into every situation and having fun! Alot of fun! I took my time to nurture Muriel. This was a big change, one of a lifetime, of all lifetimes! When we say we want freedom, happiness, abundance we get it, and there is an unraveling period, a time of recalibration. I'm alone now, and it takes time to be with this. I was alone together with people, and what feels better I asked myself. Taking time to nurture the self and watch what arises. I didnt just come home to myself when I declared, I Am that I Am, i came hommmmme, my life fell apart to come back together again. I allowed myself enough space within to recalibrate and release all that garbage i was holding onto through resentment and rage and other "not so feel goody" emotions. See? Walking the talk is living through example, through personal experience. This is what we do. We can live well within a conditional environment and watch how our point of focus within changes everything. I offer two stillness sessions this month, December 2nd (click link for replay: youtu.be/994EwTH8JLw) December 23rd at Noon (USA Denver time)(please check your local time zone) Signup here 50% off 1-hour healing/guidance session ($60) Schedule today! ($120 value) Silent night, holy night for sure it's amazing what happens with the silence within, silence without. Happy Holidays my friend ^^ Namaste
May 2024
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