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Autumn 2024 News
Hello Beautiful!
I'm excited for the expansion that has been happening here, and eager to share with you. First, I want to thank you for being here with me and supporting this work. As we are all quickly moving into a whole new way of being, wow! Things are really picking up momentum. Thank you for being a part of this community. I am again extending an invitation for a free guidance/healing session (donation only if you want too). Simply reply back to this email (or submit an inquiry through the contact form on my website) and let me know a day and time that is good for you and I will bounce that off my schedule. I have weekends available, and Friday nights after 6pm (USA-Denver, Colorado time, 2 hours back from New York time). For most of the week I offer my free tarot/oracle readings on my Youtube channel.
You are also welcome to join us weekly in a new Youtube series, Embracing the In-Between. This will be an hour long session where you will have the opportunity to step out of the noise of daily life and bridge into 5D consciousness. If you have ever experienced a personal session with me you already have experience in playing within the multiverse. Your dreams at night, Shamanic Journeying, or Guided Imagery is also the same space where the magic of healing takes place and an ever expanding opportunity to consciously create your life. Check out the details within this newsletter for more information.
I can't say it enough, we are fully in the Shift. Life here in the Earth realms is speeding up. Everything is moving at a higher frequency even though the world stage is continuing to play out the usual dynamics of the 3D, or not being ok. It's all coming up to be released and purged out of the collective consciousness. You cannot take your baggage with you to the higher frequencies and so it goes. This is why everything on the world stage seems to be falling apart, because it is. There is a bigger stage to be explored and built upon and that is what each and every one of you are doing every time you choose seniority and your sovereign position within the grand scheme of things. Choosing to be ok, living unconditionally, and allowing that which no longer belongs to simply leave. Loving the self and spreading kindness wherever you go, first for you and then others greatly benefit. I applaud you for all that you are doing, no matter how small it may seem at times. Small or large it's all the same. You are here in this life at this time for a reason.
Feel free to check out all that I continue to offer in the contents below.
Many Blessings!
There is so much love here for you
Muriel (Amu)
Muriel/Amu Youtube Channel
Muriel (Amu) is a public speaker, author, and shaman who presents materials for the well being of the individual and assists in the process of living a sovereign abundant life wherever you are on your path.
New weekly series: EMBRACING THE IN-BETWEEN (An Inner Space Journey Series)
Watch the Introduction:
Welcome to a sacred space to journey inward, awaken the senses, and play within your consciousness. This will be a weekly gathering to step outside of the noise of daily life and the 3D world happenings. I’ve been providing this platform one-on-one for my clients for many years and the time has come to expand this to a group setting as an opportunity for those who feel called to explore their inner landscape. Shamans have been doing this for a very long time and we are all born with this ability. When you go to sleep at night you dream in this space, it’s the same place from which you came from and that you will return to. Creation is vast and for too long humanity has been locked into their physical manifestations without much connection to their higher self and the vastness of creation. There are worlds to be explored within and I am honored to provide a space for you to begin this journey. You do not need to wait to leave the physical body to explore the multiverse or inner kingdom, you can do it while still very much alive. Not only does this expand your inner vision but allows you to relax into a space that will align your physical body, mind, and emotions and ultimately to the larger part of you; A place where you can take a break from the chaos of the changing world we live in and gain a better understanding of who you are at the deepest level of your being. You are welcome to join us on this weekly adventure as we bridge the 3D world of the physical with the non-physical worlds that coexist alongside us. Spirit is calling.
Tarot/Oracle Readings I offer free daily and weekly tarot/oracle readings on my Youtube channel at Inner Alchemist Tarot, subscribe to receive notifications:
Book your personal reading, send your request here:
Private Sessions I offer several healing/guidance sessions (IN-PERSON or LONG DISTANCE) for the benefit of your well being (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual) Whether it's health, relationships, finances, or a strong connection with your higher self, there are options for you. Visit this link for detailed information:
Book your long distance remote session today!
Now booking in-person sessions:
Free Online Course Introduction to Shamanism
Watch Youtube video:
Apprenticeships are available for those who want to strengthen your practice, or for personal reasons. I offer these as remote sessions (or in person, depending on your location) and payment installments are accepted, Visit for more information:
Books Self published author, visit online:
Click here visit me on Amazon Author Central
Shakers I create beautiful handmade shakers, a simple relaxation tool for your well being. Choose from an array of colors, check them out on Etsy:
Visit for more information:
Hello Beautiful!
I'm excited for the expansion that has been happening here, and eager to share with you. First, I want to thank you for being here with me and supporting this work. As we are all quickly moving into a whole new way of being, wow! Things are really picking up momentum. Thank you for being a part of this community. I am again extending an invitation for a free guidance/healing session (donation only if you want too). Simply reply back to this email (or submit an inquiry through the contact form on my website) and let me know a day and time that is good for you and I will bounce that off my schedule. I have weekends available, and Friday nights after 6pm (USA-Denver, Colorado time, 2 hours back from New York time). For most of the week I offer my free tarot/oracle readings on my Youtube channel.
You are also welcome to join us weekly in a new Youtube series, Embracing the In-Between. This will be an hour long session where you will have the opportunity to step out of the noise of daily life and bridge into 5D consciousness. If you have ever experienced a personal session with me you already have experience in playing within the multiverse. Your dreams at night, Shamanic Journeying, or Guided Imagery is also the same space where the magic of healing takes place and an ever expanding opportunity to consciously create your life. Check out the details within this newsletter for more information.
I can't say it enough, we are fully in the Shift. Life here in the Earth realms is speeding up. Everything is moving at a higher frequency even though the world stage is continuing to play out the usual dynamics of the 3D, or not being ok. It's all coming up to be released and purged out of the collective consciousness. You cannot take your baggage with you to the higher frequencies and so it goes. This is why everything on the world stage seems to be falling apart, because it is. There is a bigger stage to be explored and built upon and that is what each and every one of you are doing every time you choose seniority and your sovereign position within the grand scheme of things. Choosing to be ok, living unconditionally, and allowing that which no longer belongs to simply leave. Loving the self and spreading kindness wherever you go, first for you and then others greatly benefit. I applaud you for all that you are doing, no matter how small it may seem at times. Small or large it's all the same. You are here in this life at this time for a reason.
Feel free to check out all that I continue to offer in the contents below.
Many Blessings!
There is so much love here for you
Muriel (Amu)
Muriel/Amu Youtube Channel
Muriel (Amu) is a public speaker, author, and shaman who presents materials for the well being of the individual and assists in the process of living a sovereign abundant life wherever you are on your path.
New weekly series: EMBRACING THE IN-BETWEEN (An Inner Space Journey Series)
Watch the Introduction:
Welcome to a sacred space to journey inward, awaken the senses, and play within your consciousness. This will be a weekly gathering to step outside of the noise of daily life and the 3D world happenings. I’ve been providing this platform one-on-one for my clients for many years and the time has come to expand this to a group setting as an opportunity for those who feel called to explore their inner landscape. Shamans have been doing this for a very long time and we are all born with this ability. When you go to sleep at night you dream in this space, it’s the same place from which you came from and that you will return to. Creation is vast and for too long humanity has been locked into their physical manifestations without much connection to their higher self and the vastness of creation. There are worlds to be explored within and I am honored to provide a space for you to begin this journey. You do not need to wait to leave the physical body to explore the multiverse or inner kingdom, you can do it while still very much alive. Not only does this expand your inner vision but allows you to relax into a space that will align your physical body, mind, and emotions and ultimately to the larger part of you; A place where you can take a break from the chaos of the changing world we live in and gain a better understanding of who you are at the deepest level of your being. You are welcome to join us on this weekly adventure as we bridge the 3D world of the physical with the non-physical worlds that coexist alongside us. Spirit is calling.
Tarot/Oracle Readings I offer free daily and weekly tarot/oracle readings on my Youtube channel at Inner Alchemist Tarot, subscribe to receive notifications:
Book your personal reading, send your request here:
Private Sessions I offer several healing/guidance sessions (IN-PERSON or LONG DISTANCE) for the benefit of your well being (emotional, mental, physical, spiritual) Whether it's health, relationships, finances, or a strong connection with your higher self, there are options for you. Visit this link for detailed information:
Book your long distance remote session today!
Now booking in-person sessions:
Free Online Course Introduction to Shamanism
Watch Youtube video:
Apprenticeships are available for those who want to strengthen your practice, or for personal reasons. I offer these as remote sessions (or in person, depending on your location) and payment installments are accepted, Visit for more information:
Books Self published author, visit online:
Click here visit me on Amazon Author Central
Shakers I create beautiful handmade shakers, a simple relaxation tool for your well being. Choose from an array of colors, check them out on Etsy:
Visit for more information:
© 2017-2025, Muriel Shickman. All Rights Reserved by Muriel only. |