8/27/2019 0 Comments PASSING THROUGH...Cloud does not freak out when it turns into rain. It simply allows the passing through to happen naturally... During these times of great change we will see many things happen that will remain unexplained. They may appear permanent and solid. As if the new way of living is back to primitive survival. We are here to tell you this is not something that will remain here on Earth. There is a transformation happening of the highest order, and humanity is awakening to their own transience and physical mortality, and at the same time remembering eternity is always here and now. It has been ignored, and as the Earth turned and the years passed by, the focus moved away from this eternal knowing. It is easy to become lost in the physical world, and not see what is being said here. It's how you hold your attention and focus during your stay here, and what you place your awareness on. It's easy to forget who you are. It was even easier before the frequency lifted on this planet. This is a learning school for many of you. Some of you have completed this journey and are here to enjoy the pleasure and freedom this realm has to offer as an embodied being. We have not seen such an uprising on this level. We knew it was not going to be easy or orderly for some of you as to how the changes would unfold. You are seeing there is no end to anything, and the understanding of eternal reality. There is afterlife, but not what you had perceived it to be with your mind. It's not with the mind to know, so it is not a responsibility for you. Although you seem to have taken pleasure in this misery. The changes happening now will bring about fear as well as clarity as to who you are without your body suit. You have grown accustomed to physical existence and have mistrusted your own divine nature. The mind is potent, and has become everything here for humanity. However, it does not understand no beginning, no ending. Why now? You may ask. Why is it now that you feel you may be deceived? Remember, no beginning, no end? Creation changes as you do. You make your own reality, and in turn this shifts the agreed upon reality of those who share this space with you. That which you perceive to be happening outside is occurring inside. Notice yourself, and then take a look around those who surround you in your life right now. What role(s) are you currently playing? Why? and one of the best questions to ask yourself is, what is the agenda? The time has come to let go of the shore line and go into the raging waters. You say to us, no way! I will die! and we tell you now, engage into that in which your heart knows. It is simple... when you hold on you suffer, when you let go and trust... you soar. Perhaps your death would be the best thing to happen to you, because then you will realize you never begun and will never end! That statement may be frightening for some of you. The after life scares you. Something as sacred as this, and then everything that is happening in the world now. Everything is sacred. So then you ask, how could God do this?! You scream out loud, and hear no reply. As if there was something outside of yourself to lend you an answer. How could I do this to myself! You cry out loud, but again no one their to comfort you, but yourself. That's right. Only you with you. And then, it is in this space where magic happens. You begin to see that you are all that is, and all that will ever be. There is a sense of this knowing here. Again, a space where the mind has no place. So, what are you waiting for? or better yet, who are you waiting for? You are the miracle you have been waiting for. What is it that you are holding onto? What limitations are you still arguing for? Wherever you are within yourself is exactly what you created, and is serving you in this present moment. There is no better place than right here and now. This is where everything happens. When it no longer serves, then you expand and move on. No need to carry the weight that you did something wrong. Let this go when you are ready. Their are many beliefs that remain deeply embedded within the matrix of the collective human mind, and will continue to reveal themselves at this time. Are they pertinent to these times? To you personally? Could there be a brand new myth unraveling before your eyes? It was once believed the Sun revolves around the Earth, that all the heavens circled around and the Earth was the center of all that is. There is some truth in this, as with everything there is always some truth mixed in. After science introduced their fact that the Earth is going around the Sun, everything changed. Do you remember? Those were tough times for some of you. It doesn't matter if you cannot remember your so called "past lives" or other lives you have lived, why? because it is all still playing itself out and will continue to for as long as it is acted upon by your own conscious awareness. Things that are playing out now in your life may have nothing to do with this lifetime. As they come in this can be confusing. Changing the past doesn't mean it never happened. It simply means that it no longer has an energetic anchor within you. You no longer have an emotional engagement with the noise. It becomes freedom when you no longer play the same old games within your mind and revisit the same old story lines in search for some kind of resolution that could never present itself. Especially in tough times. This is madness. This is what the mind does best. It loves to try and keep you safe, always trying to find an answer. Takes you away from you. When you are done with your games, and playing someone else's mirror you will come to your space within. You will arrive to that which you were striving to see in the world. It's a playground for everyone! That is the nature of this place. There is no final arrival to world peace as what you thought it to be, or wanted for those to have and experience. Who is it for you to take away their own experience of not having peace? Who are you to decide someone else's happiness? You ask, well doesn't everyone want peace and happiness? No. They are not done with what they are experiencing here on Earth, and it is not your responsibility to preach to them or try and get them to see the light. Won't learn them anything anyway. We are moving through a self made matrix and arriving to to a selfless nature. Bye and bye... Life on Earth is transforming at a rate in which the mind cannot understand. Stop the effort now. You will tire yourself, and this is not the time to be sitting around. The frequency and vibration continues to rise, and this is creating friction for those who are still playing out their games. You are beginning to see this on a global level, and so the shift is well on it's way. What was withstood in the lower frequencies is being brought to the surface at this time to be lifted and cleared out. It's a clearing on the most extraordinary level. From our standpoint this has never been done before on Earth. This is why we say you are the ones you have been waiting for. You are your own ancestors. You are the celestial's. And what better way to honor your ancestors and all your relations than to start with yourself, and may this message find a place in your heart. The content here may be difficult for some of you. The message presented here is for you to sense into, certainly not read with the mind. Take your time. Your mind has little place in this space. We honor you, and all that you are enduring at this time. As we see more chaos uprising, we see it give way to beautiful creations in which some of you are already living out, playing, and expanding. You are not waiting for a messiah to come, nor the world to come into climatic balance or some perceived peaceful state. No, you are done with the forgetting of who you truly are. The golden age is within, and you may have already begun your experience of being a grand human, the knowing without knowing with your brain that you are God. Everybody is a saint, they may simply not have the awareness to this. That is right--everyone. Even those perceived to be creating harm. This place is big enough for everyone to play out their games, and nothing lasts forever. Remember, you are simply passing through... "Passing Through" channeled by Muriel Shickman (Amu) w/Archangel Uriel & Sanat Kumara 8-27-19 ***Muriel is an Author and Shaman. She provides healing & guidance sessions (long distance or in-person). As a new energy creator, she shares her experiences of self-realization through articles, books, and online webinars/live events. Find her on Amazon Author Central to check out her books and free articles. Soul Ship: A Personal Account of Embodied Enlightenment is available in full-color as eBook and paperback. Visit: www.murielshickman.com for more information.
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