Everything Is Happening Right Now: Utilizing Our Senses w/Intention and Attention to Gain Cosmic Understanding of Ourselves and Creation It may be that time of year again, whatever time of year you are reading this from, but you have never experienced this moment before. Not like this. Never. In any given moment you are constantly changing. Your thoughts, emotions, and perhaps body pain are shifting. Each moment is unique and can never be experienced the same way. This gradual changing movement is ever present. Simple awareness of this brings an understanding that everything is happening right now. No matter what time of year it is within this solar cycle, cosmically it is always the present moment. You are here existing within the endless possibilities and ways of experiencing life and perceiving reality. From an energetically neutral standpoint, it’s amazing to see that reality can be experienced however the perceiver wants it to be. Any action requires energy that is activated by an intention. The intention may be positive or negative, depending upon the desired experience. The human has five senses in which to play out their existence. When the full potential of each sense is realized it can act as a gateway to countless other senses, dimensions, and realities. Most people live within an objective or agreed upon reality and spend their time and mental energy within a first attention state of mind. This means they are very good at every day tasks, every day general living and business duties. However, when it comes to perceiving other types of events, unusual happenings, or what is considered spiritual, day to day distractions may obstruct a second attention viewpoint. This is the state of mind where one can see the symmetry and synergy of life at play. This is an intuitive space where one can tune into their psychic abilities and notice coincidences and synchronicities. This is where creativity plays itself out. What lies beyond the peripheral, underneath, or between the seams of ordinary reality? My passion is to see with all my senses and what I can gather from perceiving with first and second attention. What is happening behind the scenes is truly what sets up the scenes to happen, and this is what interests me the most. So, everything is happening right now… all of creation, past, present, future, and simultaneous timelines. We are doing this at any given moment. It’s not something to reach for or to become. We are that, ALL that is and we can become conscious participants in any given moment. For instance, everyone dreams every night whether aware of it or not. Some of the vistas experienced are much different than everyday living, and the dimensional structures of these places defy modern physics and what we know reality to be. Another way to consciously participate is to Shamanic Journey or what is known as a Dream Walk or Guided Imagery. All those other worlds and endless possible realms exist right now in this moment and can be accessed with intention and lightness of heart. A Shaman understands this and is known as the one who knows and sees with their strong eye beyond the veil of everyday life. They walk between worlds and bring back vital information for the community, heal sickness, assist in transitional processes such as birth and death, and possess countless other psychic abilities depending upon their specialty. They work side by side with their loving compassionate aspects or guides, and many other beings of light for the benefit of life everywhere. Everyone has the capability to Shamanic Journey, just like everyone dreams at night. However, not everyone has the same way of experiencing it. Some people are visual and see images within their minds eye, whereas others may have their strengths within the auditory sense. Or, some people may experience a combination of senses. But, not everyone has a desire or passion to be a Shaman and dedicate their life to that type of work. They may do it occasionally for themselves, or some loved ones, but do not take it any further than that. For others, it is an expression, a way of being, and a job all at the same time. In any case, we can discover there are endless possibilities and ways of experiencing all of creation by setting an intention, utilizing the five senses, and strengthening our second attention with our first attention. This can be done now in this present moment where everything is happening. Anything can be experienced in any given moment. Creation is a big place and eternity is a long time. ;-) Now, Journey on!
May 2024
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