Trust the Process, It's Well Underway!Being in observation mode is being able to witness something unfold without emotional or personal attachment to the outcome. Humanity is in the process of one of the biggest changes that has ever occurred. When it fully comes underway, nothing is going to be the same. Time to lean back.
It’s an individual process, you’ll know when it’s happening to you. It’s a guaranteed change, or more like a grand transmutation of the highest order! If you are dreaming an end to war, you are the new energy creator, and it’s already done. If you are dreaming of an abundant economy for everyone, you are the new energy creator, and it’s already done. If you are dreaming a fruitful world full of life and transformation, you are the new energy creator, and it’s already done. If you are dreaming. It’s already done. You are co-creating an abundant world together with me, and everyone else. It’s already done, and so it is! This is all it takes. Each one of us have the power to change anything and it starts with how we think and feel. Your natural state of being is a positive one. Anything else always leans you towards this. Always. The human tends to resist. That's natural because we were born into a world full of fear, hopelessness, and assertion. However, there is only one law, and it's the law of attraction. We are well on our way. That's why this message today. The new energy, the new earth is based on well being for all, not just a select few. Remember this... We are well underway. All these days leading up string together in a grand symphony We held a flawed premise for eons of time and we call this human history. It was based on thinking a certain belief over and over again, and the belief was that we would be happier in the having of what we want. We are imaginative beings, reality is not our business. If you get too caught up in reality, you bring on being a victim to circumstance. The trick is to get yourself happy regardless of what is happening externally. This is what is meant by the kingdom is within. We are not just blowing hot air here. You create your own reality all the time. One thing for sure we all have in common is that we want to feel good. Feeling good is where everyone is leaning towards. There is not one person alive who does not desire to feel this way. I’ve always had a fascination about how our thoughts turn into things. How does a thought create an emotion, and how do we create our reality? Why were we not taught this in school? It’s an amazing process because you cannot see it, taste it, touch it, not until it shows up as a physical manifestation. And you did that. You created that all by yourself. Congratulations, because you are consciously aware of it now. This changes everything. We all want a world of peace, of harmony, of joy. To witness each other’s expansion, and support this, to express our love that we have for ourselves, and enjoy this in another. To really feel what it’s like to be alive. It’s not what is, it’s what’s coming into manifestation. There is no such thing as a fixed economy, or relationship, physical body, or landscape. Everything is in constant change, never to be the same. Why go back to yesterday? That’s old news. That’s like permanently staying in the egg. How ridiculous! It’s always what’s coming. Let's get ready to get ready! These new frequencies on the planet now are potent and things will manifest a lot quicker, so no better time than now to observe how you are feeling. That matters. It’s your navigation in life. Why get caught up in political affairs from yesterday, it’s old news. Why get caught up in someone else’s dream that doesn't benefit all, or life sustaining? Come closer to yourself, let your guard down, it’s time. Sounds strange to hear for some of you, and you will continue to argue for your limitations, but you will come along in you own time. There is no rush anyway. You are already complete. You are masterful creators who have endured, and now it’s time to live. To really live. Let your guard down. Lean back, enjoy your ride. Yesterday is old news. It’s not coming back. Why would you want it to? Right now, enjoy this moment. Masterful one. You have no idea how much you have accumulated in your energy field. Trust this process. This is cocreation at it’s best!
May 2024
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