This moment offers me clarity as I sit solid like a mountain. I breathe next to the mountain until we are one, but yet unique in our awareness. Observing from this viewpoint, which is from the higher mind perspective, we watch humanity quickly rush about their daily activities. Always doing, trying to get there faster. Like, once they arrive the urge to keep ‘getting there’ will go away. It never does and they continue at this pace that is unhealthy for their state of mind.
There are some who breathe next to the mountain and understand the space between these words. We are living in times that it's easier to access within the self, even among the chaos. Ten years ago, I wrote the song lyrics for "It's Only the Mountain" (see below) when I saw the metaphor and realized there is no point in concepts, or ideas. The reason why a mountain stands the test of time is because it does not concern itself with petty doings and does not struggle with the mental merry-go-round of trying for existence or arriving at it’s confirmation. We can live accordingly when we understand how nature is always speaking to us, especially a mountain. I sit here next to the mountain means so much to me. Yes, a multidimensional statement as all things are by nature. I withstand raging fires and floodwaters while remaining unscathed. I watch my nature cooperate with all that is without crumbling or towering over another. There is no need for power when you stand as tall as the mountain. I can see for miles at the top, from the higher mind. Yet, enjoy the meadows at my feet, and all the delights in between. Being, is a state of consciousness. You observe the mountain and it’s simply being. That’s all it is. Then, you are that awareness. Boring right? Perhaps it’s a good thing to undo and disengage from the noise for a short while. There will always be opportunity to go back in. It's a perpetual wheel in motion. “Yesterday seems like a dream to me But this moment seems so real, too It will be like a dream to me Tomorrow will be just the same Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Are the only things keeping me here with you Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Will slowly dissolve from me, one by one Until I’m nothing, and everything too I sit here next to the mountain It’s just me and the mountain I breathe next to the mountain Until only the mountain remains, it’s only the mountain.” ~Muriel Shickman 'It’s Only the Mountain' from the album The Further Shore (c) 2010) Enjoy the song. It was recorded in one take and it took the focus like a mountain to succeed with minimal flinching. It’s amazing to be in this state of being one with the moment and the music comes out as it should. The human will always have thoughts and analysis of the process and judgments on it’s perception of perfection. This goes with any creative process. With assistance from my sound engineer Chris, he added embellishments which added a brilliant color to the background... There are options listed below to listen and how you can show your support. The entire album can be found in several marketplaces, such as CD Baby and Amazon. You can listen for free here: Buy individual songs for $1 (entire album $9): Purchase Lyric Book $6.95 paperback: Celebrating 20 years! (1999-2019) I released my first self-titled folk music album in 1999. for more information, and links visit: When Only the Mountain Remains: Being Solid and Present During Uncertain Times written by Muriel Shickman 4.16.19 ***Muriel is an Author and Shaman. She provides life coaching/healing services (long distance or in-person). As a new energy creator, she shares her experiences of self-realization through articles, books, and online webinars/live events. Find her on Amazon Author Central to check out her books and free articles. Soul Ship: A Personal Account of Embodied Enlightenment is available in full-color as ebook and paperback. Visit: for more information.
![]() Everything is a choice. You are not limited by circumstance. Ooh, I can feel the irritation stirring within a few of you, but you see? This place is not set up to show you the reason why at first, maybe it will. However, this is the whole point of the game, or the mystery to “why me!?!” Everybody comes to that question at some point, if not it’s not their experience to have now. Simple. It has nothing to do with those who are lucky or whatever clever idea the mind comes up with to make you feel sorry for yourself. Here we are. Living. Whatever is going on in your life right now. This is life. Say it’s joyful at the moment with not a focus on anything else, or perhaps depression has crept over you in the past couple of hours or days, or you are enjoying something that you love so much an addiction has formed, or you may be keeping it at bay. What if right now things completely suck. What if that’s perfectly fine? What if whatever is happening exactly as it should be? “What if...?” is a great question in life because it opens all possibilities and creates space to choose experience, and there are no wrong choices. Wow! What a relief. So, what’s this whole “realizing the self” thing about anyway? I mean, isn’t that what everyone is doing at all times by simply being a human? Does it matter if one is enthralled in the experience without being aware they are aware or not? Not from my perspective. But then again, that’s my perspective and there are endless. But from this focal point, everyone is having a realization experience at all times. It simply depends on staying with the current one, or changing it and moving on. This not only takes the load off from trying and efforting into a better mood, a successful job or a thriving romance, or better yet attaining enlightenment, but leaves space to experience life without restriction or reservation. You know the golden rule, so what else is stopping you? Someone telling you that after you become enlightened or realized you wont smoke, or drink, swear, or party anymore? You won’t be “brought down” to that level? Like it’s a level that you are being brought down too? Beliefs run deep. They run real deep. Even when you think that you have none, check again, and then keep checking. I know there are those who think I am full of shit saying that I am realized, and those who have this complete opposite reaction, “oh, my goodness, wow! Muriel, that’s amazing”, like it’s something that only super heroes experience. But I know that is none of my business and I do not let any outside influence affect my inner knowing and guidance. If that was the case, I would hesitate every time I wrote an article like this. Ha! It’s amazing what we pick up on along the way, and it’s not even ours. You know when it happens to you. You know, the “big deal” that everyone is raving about these days… ascension, realization of self, embodied enlightenment? Perhaps you visualize yourself poofing into a ball of light and that’s when you will fully know. Well, good luck with that, and I suggest to have a good time along the way. You see? Because presence comes from within. And then the party begins! You want to experience all that the world is giving you to the utmost, you want to be as present as possible, you want to attain that which someone told you what that is? And what it all looks like? Well, I say to you now, enjoy your life with all that it is at every moment. Whatever you are doing. Your body will tell you when to move, when to drink water, when to relax and breathe. When to love yourself, and when to tell someone to fuck off. You can do all of the above and still be THAT you are trying to achieve. You want to meet the “aliens out there” or talk with the famous gurus of ages past? Perhaps you desire to sit in a parallel universe, or talk with an archangel, or simply go to the void? It's choice. You may say, “I want to get out of what I am doing, I can’t take it anymore. Then, I will be able to experience what you are talking about Muriel.” Change one thing. Do something that you haven’t done before, Something that you feel like you’ve been wanting to do but holding off. Now, some things like heroin addiction may throw you off a little, or the heaviness of suicidal thoughts. It’s all an experience. Say you suffer with diabetes, or you can’t seem to love yourself, or find the love of your life. Check in with yourself and if this is your truth than you will succeed at the very thing you are trying to figure out. No need to waver in your decision. If you have settled with the way things are, then they will be just that. So be it! What’s the problem then? Let yourself live that experience, until you change it. There are no problems and no solutions. if there are, it's a tango. Everything is a choice, and we are all living the experience we call life. Everything is a Choice: Living the Experience We Call Life written by Muriel Shickman 4.13.19 ***Muriel is an Author and Shaman. She provides life coaching/healing services (long distance or in-person). As a new energy creator, she shares her experiences of self-realization through articles, books, and online webinars/live events. Find her on Amazon Author Central to check out her books and free articles. Soul Ship: A Personal Account of Embodied Enlightenment is available in full-color as ebook and paperback. Visit: for more information. 4/12/2019 0 Comments LIFE IS BUT A DREAM: UNDERSTANDING CREATION THROUGH SELF-AWARENESS AND CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCES IN DREAMS, JOURNEYS, AND VISIONS![]() “If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.” ~Lewis Carroll In the famous story of Alice in Wonderland, the main Character (who is metaphorically you and me or anyone you see) falls asleep while resting by the river bank with her sister. As the narrative begins to unfold she ends up running after a rabbit carrying a pocket watch and finds herself entering ‘Wonderland’. However, that’s not what actually took place at all, as you know when you get to the end of the story-- you find this out. If not, then what do I mean by this? Well, Alice never had any of those adventures, never chased a rabbit down a hole, or got small and entered a keyhole only to find herself at a crazy “tea party”. Nor did she get chased by the wicked queen after painting the roses red. She never physically left the tree. You either agree with me at this point, or you are shaking your head and wondering if I’m the one who missed the point of the story. I absolutely get that viewpoint. She had a grand adventure and then woke up and realized she fell asleep. Every child knows that Alice merely went on an inner journey though her consciousness and met all her aspects (good, bad, clever, funny, mysterious, annoying, and downright pathetic). She traveled to places that actually exist, and woke up excited about what happened. But she physically didn’t go anywhere. Why is it that as people get older they lose touch with this fundamental understanding of themselves, and chalk it up to ‘just a dream’, or ‘i had the strangest dream’ last night? Like you have to physically travel somewhere out of the ordinary or at great distances for it to be considered ‘time traveling’ or anything of that nature. All of creation exists inside of us, we have an entire playground inside. Time and space are not separate from our own consciousness. Normal every day life becomes just that, normal. The imagination thrives on events changing, and expanding into different territories. We dream our soul home every night, but may not consciously act on the messages that come through. Life is but a dream, and dreams are as real as what takes place during daylight hours? In fact, the daytime always reflects the night, and vice versa. They play off each other like the predator and prey. Can’t have one without the other, just like death is half the part of life. We journey inward and have visions about ourselves and for our surroundings all the time. What we call magic is occurring around us in every moment. There are no ordinary happenings, ever. It’s all in the awareness. We have an image come to us while working, or standing in line at the Postal Office, but may not think anything of it. But these signs are always speaking to us, which are really our own manifestation, and our own creation talking. As within, so without, and vice versa. Everything on the out, is on the in. Apply that to whatever is happening in your life right now. It’s interesting how science just revealed the first image of a black hole while the consciousness movement and self realized individuals are coming out in great numbers like never before. In sync. So much is happening everywhere! Why as adults do we find it strange or something foreign to do... Shamanic journeying, guided imagery, having day and night time visions, are all the same. Dreams are our true home (day dreaming, or falling asleep and having a night time dream). You are constantly dreaming yourself back home. You won’t go home when you die. You go in, and that is where home is. Instead of saying “go to the light”, it’s “go to the crown Chakra”, ha! It comes to you. Like the cosmos out “there”. All those NASA photos you see of stars and planets, and outer space activity are all inside you, and me, and everyone you see. There is no “out there”. It’s an individual happening when the Soul is ready. This doesn’t mean you won’t be surprised by outer events or be in awe when you see a beautiful sunset, or picture of a super nova. Gnosis is the inner knowing of being God while simultaneously being surprised by everything. You will indeed appreciate and feel much more. It’s a joy to see yourself in all that is. Alice woke up and was a changed person, because she knew it was real. She knew she existed there and here. “I exist! And so do you!”, she ended up telling that silly rabbit who kept chasing the Sun. Perhaps you don’t remember your dreams, or feel you are the type that never has, nor will. Or you did, and feel they may never come back again. Like any athlete that relies on their muscles for strength and endurance, so do we when we venture inside the self through the multiverse of creation. We utilize our psychic muscles, and it takes some practice or an opening. There are many things you can do to enhance all of this, or simply reading this article will also assist in your remembering. My writing has that affect. This same strengthening applies to anything that we do for our inner journeying. It takes time, and then you find the opening happens, and you begin to remember yourself. There are places that do not exist until you get there. You will continue to chase your dreams, until you realize they have been chasing you the entire time. After all, you created them. I love applying Lewis Caroll’s brilliant creation here, and his own inner journeying that he brought to the world as a metaphor to how we don’t physically go anywhere to find the self. Maybe three inches, if you’re lucky, haha! Wherever you go, there you are. Your own inner workings are the very means to travel and understand all of creation, which is essentially your own Godhead. Everything is dreaming itself into existence all the time. We all dream well, and we all die successfully. LIFE IS BUT A DREAM: Understanding creation through self-awareness and conscious experiences in dreams, journeys, and visions written by Muriel Shickman 4.11.19 ***Muriel is an Author and Shaman. She provides life coaching/healing services (long distance or in-person). As a new energy creator, she shares her experiences of self-realization through articles, books, and online webinars/live events. Find her on Amazon Author Central to check out her books and free articles. Soul Ship: A Personal Account of Embodied Enlightenment is available in full-color as ebook and paperback. Visit: for more information. It’s easy to feel like you are going crazy when you come into your realization, because your perception of reality changes, and your relationship with your mind, thoughts, and emotions all change. Your own identity breaks down and how others see you begins to change and it feels as if the ground beneath was ripped apart. Then, all the excuses come up such as having mental illness in the family, your mother or father was crazy so now it has been passed down to you through the DNA. Or you took too many drugs and hurt your brain. You may have your own excuses that come up that are unique but follows the same pattern of limited explanations.
Maybe you are crazy, but let’s go deeper and take a look below the surface… Many of the so called “symptoms” of mental illnesses such as psychosis or *schizophrenia are displayed and are common experiences during the process of enlightenment. Nothing like this has come before, so there is nothing else to compare it to. The mind can only find the answers within its own confine, and after that it will make you feel like you are losing it. Well, because you are. It’s more like you are loosening up the stronghold over your mind and thoughts, and when that occurs you fall out of what is considered the range of normalcy. You are “splitting apart” or confronted with your different aspects and opening up to all of who you are. Psychology tells us that the mental disorder of schizophrenia is characterized by abnormal behavior, strange speech, decreased ability to understand reality, false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that do not exist, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, lack of motivation, anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder. The list goes on. If you look at most of these symptoms, they are commonly experienced when realizing the self and all of who you are. Western cultures tend to look at anything they do not understand that resides outside the box of science and psychology as crazy. There is no such thing as a crazy person in indigenous cultures. So, what happened with this split in understanding? They do not have mental institutions or doctors for such a thing, but what they do is integrate these people into the community. They understand if someone is displaying themselves as different and unique from the rest of the tribe, this is their gift. It is not a curse, and something to fix, and certainly not something to suppress with drugs. If someone gets violent the community works with them and assists to bringing them to a state of well being again. The gift can also come as being a shaman. This individual works with unseen forces which is out of the jurisdiction of western science understanding. In the indigenous communities it’s recognized, honored, acted upon, and integrated. Science is simply unable to help these people because they do not understand consciousness and energy, so they recommend endless counseling sessions and drugs to bring them back to a state of “normal”. It’s a constant loop of suppression that will never be resolved with this way of thinking, and limited understanding. So, I would be clinically diagnosed with psychosis to the science community because I work with the unseen forces as a shaman and also someone who has come into self-realization. But the thing is, crazy or not, the techniques that I utilize work. Years of psychotherapy can be taken care of in a session or two. It took me more than a year to realize all of this. I was one of those who happened to be born to a “crazy” family, so it was easy for me to go there in my mind about it before I understood the dynamics. It’s a perfect recipe for coming into realization. Everybody has their own unique way of expressing all of who they are. The symptoms of coming undone at the core of your being will mimic what science calls as crazy. When you go through the “dark night of the soul”, you are recognizing and integrating so many aspects and parts of yourself that you didn’t see before. You literally turn into a quaking mess. And while all of this is going on your relationships start changing, and how you lived your life. You are so busy trying to get through each hour of the day while adjusting to this new way of living. So, can you see there is such a fine line between realization and crazy? Are people afraid of losing their minds? Yes. Why? Because they are afraid of who they are behind their mask of identity. They are holding onto life and the normal way of living, a singular identity, following the same old patterns generation after generation. This is the matrix. I used to say they are afraid of their own power, but this has nothing to do with power and everything to do with realizing how enormous they are. * 12/2/2018 0 Comments UNDERSTANDING DIMENSIONS THROUGH OUR OWN CREATION: THE INTERNET (OUR INTER-DIMENSIONAL WORLD)When I speak about dimensions I often see people’s eyes glaze over and it is apparent this topic is either way beyond their understanding, or they simply are not interested. This depends of course on the persons consciousness whom I am addressing, but for the most part many are in the dark about what a dimension is and the nature of reality---it is not a fixed state, not even close. But we have managed to live life on Earth for a long time with a limited understanding. It’s as if we accepted things as they are and settled down. The “life is hard” philosophy and countless other limitations have been deeply embedded in our cells.
We look out at the landscape and see the ground, the trees, the sky. All of that is there, nothing has changed. The Sun comes up and goes down. There are stormy days and calm days. This is how it is here. Very structural. Right or wrong, left or right, side to side, up and down, this way or no way at all… and so on. This energetic structure is the third dimension. Very rigid and narrow. However, there are many dimensions and like the keys on the piano each has its own frequency and vibration. If there is an increase or decrease in frequency physicality responds, and like we are seeing with the changes in climate and in human consciousness, our third dimensional existence is changing, and we are no longer living strictly living within that dimension. We are teetering between several, and some of us are expanding beyond this. A dimension is not a place way over there or away from here. All dimensions exist here and now. You can visualize an apartment building with many floors. The floors are not separate within their own building, no. They exist as one. What I find interesting is that humanity has created another dimension without realizing. Look at the amazing creation of the Internet. An inter-dimensional world created by humans. You can’t see it when you look out at the landscape. It’s not visible to wildlife, plants, animals, trees, the water…It’s man-made for man. But, like the old saying goes “as within so without, so without as within”. The Internet is a dimension in itself. It has an energetic structural form for creativity to play itself out. You could almost say that it is an entry port connecting all dimensions, at least has the potential. Regardless, it has changed how we interact and our ability to communicate and is essentially a prehistoric form of time travel. When we stop to realize what we are all co-creating with the advent of the internet we gain a better understanding of what dimensions are, and how physicality plays itself out within an inter-dimensional reality. Life as we know it and our understanding of ourselves and creation has been a mystery up to this point. It’s not that we won’t be surprised by things to come, but our actual comprehension of who we are--- why, how, when, where, and what will not be a mystery. Imagine the spaciousness around that notion, and what the individual will be able to accomplish within themselves and their outer world when they finally know who they are and what happened here on Earth. They will also come to find out that it was just a story, and the story is all changing. There was a technology that came out that shifted everything. We now live in two worlds. Our outer world everyday existence intermingled with nature, and our inner world of digital transactions. How will the new human beings (AI) respond? 11/8/2018 0 Comments LIFE’S PULSE: GAMMA SPIKE. MASS SHOOTING, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING & WEATHER DISTURBANCES![]() There are many in fear about what is happening to humanity. I’ve heard people say there is no hope for the world anymore as the content of the daily news becomes increasingly darker. They may have lost loved ones in a massive storm surge or at a marketplace behind the barrel of a gun, or simply disillusioned with the state of the world. As I watch this all unfold I cannot help but to draw the conclusion that the masses do not have the proper information and knowing to understand for themselves about what is occurring, and how could they? What is not understood is feared, and what is feared is most likely destroyed. So, let us talk about the frequency of life on Earth. A massive fluctuation is happening with the Earths electromagnetic field frequency or what is better known as the Schumann Resonance. In layman terms, the life pulse of Earth is increasing. All life resonates to this frequency, and It’s generally at a relaxed state of 7.83Hz. However, in recent years it spiked to levels above 50Hz. This noticeably increased beginning in 2014. When the frequency fluctuates it disturbs all life on earth and strange occurrences can happen, such as the changing of migration patterns for birds and fish causing massive deaths at an alarming rate. It can also have an affect on human behavior creating elevated spiritual experiences and/or increased crime rates and chaos. I created a presentation series in 2017 called “The Golden Age Within” where I presented it for the first time at the Pueblo Holistic Fair in Colorado. This series is for those who are trying to make sense of the senseless within the chaos of our times. It’s for those who are open and ready to have a better understanding to what is taking place globally and within themselves, and why so much chaos is happening with the weather patterns, earth changes, and humanity in general. I include the Schumann Resonance Frequency information because it is as pivotal to mention as it is about the changing of our Sun (that’s for another topic). Everything is changing, and it’s difficult to avoid noticing. Unless you are choosing to stay asleep, which you wouldn’t be reading this if you were. The series is mainly about what is happening to humanity, the Earth, and where we are going from this point forward. There is a multidimensional reality becoming visible on the planet. Frequencies are changing and it’s causing interruptions to all walks of life, and the planet itself. Everything is becoming more and more chaotic, yet improving at the same time. How can this be possible? Let us take a closer look… All life moves to a frequency of 7.83Hz. This is generally a relaxed state of being equivalent to Alpha wave brain activity in humans (see chart above). In recent years this frequency has been changing drastically, which I sense is coinciding with the increase in both elevated states of heightened awareness and spirituality. At the same time, there happens to be increased storm activity and human crime rate. For instance, what sparked the creation of this article today is that there was a spike in frequency recorded at 40Hz within the last 24-hours, and there was another mass shooting reported today (this time in Thousand Oaks, California). I had also been paying attention to the unusual tornado activity that was occurring in the Southeastern part of the United States yesterday. The resonance frequency usually spikes during thunderstorm activity and the changing of weather patterns. I’m certainly not here to give a science lesson, but I mention these facts to give you a better understanding of what may be causing people to act out killing others and/or themselves, why all the protests and movements, and at the same time why there is one of the biggest spiritual movements we have ever seen on the planet is happening now. It’s all part of the inevitable changing of consciousness, and the pieces are starting to fit together. If you notice within the brain wave chart above, the gamma waves are 30+Hz. This is a state of heightened mental activity, awareness, problem solving, fear, and transformation. It’s not difficult to see that someone who experiences this brain activity and is already mentally unstable may have a greater urge to act out their fears when the frequency is 30+Hz. Ultimately, they have too much mind chatter and they’ve literally been possessed by their own thoughts and clueless to what has been happening to them. They have gone mad. I can hear all the conspiracy theories being discussed openly right now about how the dark forces are manipulating the masses with mind control, and sending out frequencies causing people to go crazy, or producing chemicals or drugs setting off the lunatics to shoot masses of people. The paranoia is intense these days, and I wouldn’t give any time or energy unless you choose to go down that rabbit hole. You don’t need to be an intuitive such as myself to know what is ultimately occurring. There are enough scientific facts and metaphysical wisdom for us to have a proper discussion around the table. You may or may not hear about this within the daily news in the coming months, but it doesn’t matter. It’s folks such as myself and countless others who know the truth within themselves as to what is occurring without all the fear and drama around it. We are experiencing a shift in the life pulse, and we are that pulse. May the information that I presented here shed light on the shadows currently at play or if it’s a confirmation you were looking for, the heart knows. Do your research if you feel. keep cool, stay calm, and thanks for spending your time reading this. May it be helpful. ![]() You know what makes my heart sing these days? Is seeing people treat animals with so much love. Yes, not everyone is caring for animals much like they don’t care for themselves and the world in general. However, many do, and their love is growing. Animals are designed to take on the energetics of their environment. They are much like sponges and have been intensely busy in recent years. As a collective we are changing our limited perspective about all of this. It’s wonderful and about time we do so. It’s part of shifting awareness and is happening to all of humanity. To witness people honoring their pets and understanding truly why these critters entered their lives is a beautiful experience too. It really is about honoring the self, because the animals are a good self-reflection—without all the mind chatter. Sometimes they come to us in the form of a squirrel, butterfly, or tortoise when we are relaxing and enjoying the moment on a park bench. Nature is always speaking to us, especially our pets. When you stop and ponder how your dog or cat, perhaps iguana, arrived into your life and not somewhere else or vice-versa, it becomes clear they have been traveling with you for lifetimes, and they always come for a reason and right on time. They are wise guardians with much to share. Yes, there are many homeless & abused domesticated animals, and those who are bred for monetary purposes… …but, every animal has a story to tell, and they do this through their own little whimsical and quirkily way. Sometimes during play time, they seem to defy the laws of physics and how the body normally moves through space. I don’t know how many times I have seen my cat Lady perform ‘matrix moves” and then land on all four paws as if nothing happened. Amazing little kitty! My dog Bernie does the same thing, except it’s hilarious to see a 55-pound dog flip himself around and do it within a small space. My partner Chris and I have always treated our pets as equals. They are not only our guardians, but our kids too—wise, wise beings of knowingness. They live long healthy, playful, and joyful lives. After it’s all said and done they know we know they will remain around us. There is no such thing as death and It’s all in the awareness. It just feels good to care and be cared for by such lovely beings and have this physical experience together. It’s a tango, and a mutual act of love. When you multiple this by millions of these experiences you can see how grand the impact has on the entire web of life. Animals are tuned-in energetic vortexes. They keep us company when we need a break from the human environment and remind us of our own divinity and pureness. They give us love and comfort when no one else is around. Simple, playful, and knowing. They show us patience and tell us to dance or laugh when we get too serious. They give us a space to cry when we need to let go of the world. They watch us and wonder why we frequently jump down “rabbit holes” …Ha! They promise us that we are free, multidimensional, timeless, beings of great joy, like themselves. And so, we honor them by reflecting this back with the same love, patience, and adoration they have for us. What a pleasure and honor it is. So, if you are reading this and you are one of the lovely humans respecting and honoring the animals, bless your heart, thank you, and keep going! 10/18/2018 0 Comments EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW![]() Everything Is Happening Right Now: Utilizing Our Senses w/Intention and Attention to Gain Cosmic Understanding of Ourselves and Creation It may be that time of year again, whatever time of year you are reading this from, but you have never experienced this moment before. Not like this. Never. In any given moment you are constantly changing. Your thoughts, emotions, and perhaps body pain are shifting. Each moment is unique and can never be experienced the same way. This gradual changing movement is ever present. Simple awareness of this brings an understanding that everything is happening right now. No matter what time of year it is within this solar cycle, cosmically it is always the present moment. You are here existing within the endless possibilities and ways of experiencing life and perceiving reality. From an energetically neutral standpoint, it’s amazing to see that reality can be experienced however the perceiver wants it to be. Any action requires energy that is activated by an intention. The intention may be positive or negative, depending upon the desired experience. The human has five senses in which to play out their existence. When the full potential of each sense is realized it can act as a gateway to countless other senses, dimensions, and realities. Most people live within an objective or agreed upon reality and spend their time and mental energy within a first attention state of mind. This means they are very good at every day tasks, every day general living and business duties. However, when it comes to perceiving other types of events, unusual happenings, or what is considered spiritual, day to day distractions may obstruct a second attention viewpoint. This is the state of mind where one can see the symmetry and synergy of life at play. This is an intuitive space where one can tune into their psychic abilities and notice coincidences and synchronicities. This is where creativity plays itself out. What lies beyond the peripheral, underneath, or between the seams of ordinary reality? My passion is to see with all my senses and what I can gather from perceiving with first and second attention. What is happening behind the scenes is truly what sets up the scenes to happen, and this is what interests me the most. So, everything is happening right now… all of creation, past, present, future, and simultaneous timelines. We are doing this at any given moment. It’s not something to reach for or to become. We are that, ALL that is and we can become conscious participants in any given moment. For instance, everyone dreams every night whether aware of it or not. Some of the vistas experienced are much different than everyday living, and the dimensional structures of these places defy modern physics and what we know reality to be. Another way to consciously participate is to Shamanic Journey or what is known as a Dream Walk or Guided Imagery. All those other worlds and endless possible realms exist right now in this moment and can be accessed with intention and lightness of heart. A Shaman understands this and is known as the one who knows and sees with their strong eye beyond the veil of everyday life. They walk between worlds and bring back vital information for the community, heal sickness, assist in transitional processes such as birth and death, and possess countless other psychic abilities depending upon their specialty. They work side by side with their loving compassionate aspects or guides, and many other beings of light for the benefit of life everywhere. Everyone has the capability to Shamanic Journey, just like everyone dreams at night. However, not everyone has the same way of experiencing it. Some people are visual and see images within their minds eye, whereas others may have their strengths within the auditory sense. Or, some people may experience a combination of senses. But, not everyone has a desire or passion to be a Shaman and dedicate their life to that type of work. They may do it occasionally for themselves, or some loved ones, but do not take it any further than that. For others, it is an expression, a way of being, and a job all at the same time. In any case, we can discover there are endless possibilities and ways of experiencing all of creation by setting an intention, utilizing the five senses, and strengthening our second attention with our first attention. This can be done now in this present moment where everything is happening. Anything can be experienced in any given moment. Creation is a big place and eternity is a long time. ;-) Now, Journey on! Someone recently commented to me that if a person claims they are a Master, they truly are not a Master. And the reasoning they say behind it is simple. If one says it about themselves that is like the old saying ‘if you claim to be a wise man than you truly don’t know’ something along the lines like that. However, creation expanded to a degree still unknown to the common person. Humanity is still acted out the old energies of “you can’t do this, or you can’t say that because it’s all ego if you do’ and on and on this goes. I hate to burst some people’s bubbles (or maybe I do a little ), but creation went from 2 (duality) to 4 (the quad) (if you need more explanations on this send me a private message), and with this expansion the Master is now working in cohesion with their human aspects. And as of late, we are experiencing such a degree of this that, that’s even gone topsy turvy. The ‘soul voice’ or Master is now on the front lines and the human is taking a back seat. Not a back seat as in being silenced or shunned, but finally cooperating with it’s divinity. Finally going full strait ahead with all it’s humanness with no denial what so ever. Finally acknowledging ones own humanity with all the “imperfections” annoyances, pains, lacks, never getting it right, and so on. Any questions?
Many years ago my lovely teacher, Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy said the above statement when I was moving into becoming a “healer” and creating an entire business out of it. There is no such thing as a healer in the future? Huh? So, if you could imagine when he said those words the unknown that was stirred from inside myself and all kinds of feelings, and some fear too. (Thank you for reading on…)
So, if this is the case why am I spending all my precious time enhancing my healing practice if there is no future for this? I thoroughly understand it is helping others right now, (but)…Before I could even finish the question a voice came from inside and said, “Keep going”. The shift in consciousness is moving things fast, and yes people are beginning to wake up and have their own personal self-realizations (or enlightenment), and once this realization occurs we begin to heal from the inside out. (Hold your hand out and the apple will appear). It’s as simple as a shift in perception. However, there will be many who still need your lightness of heart and healing hands for many decades to come, that too is shifting, but for now… Many will still need you. This is what it means to be on “The Bridge” between the old world and the new world. And it’s changing faster than the speed of light! |
May 2024
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